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Baitul Arqam Purna Studi as New Requirement for Graduation

Source : Instagram umsofficialid

Baitul Arqam is a religious education development activity in instilling the foundation of the Islamic character of students so that they can turn into students who have a good personality and are pious, have a strong character foundation in the field of aqidah, morals, worship, such as diligent worship, diligent reading the Qur'an and can develop the nature of honesty, courage, confidence, and responsibility in carrying out study obligations.

The working meeting of the leadership of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta in 2021 has determined that Baitul Arqam Purna Studi is mandatory for students of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. In this working meeting, LPPIK was appointed as the coordinator of its implementation. Baitul Arqam Purna Studi is intended as a graduation requirement as well as strengthening al-Islam and kemuhammadiyahan.

Source : Instagram umsofficialid

Prof. Dr. dr. EM Sutrisna, M.Kes as Vice-Chancellor IV for Human Resources, Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah, and Information Systems explained that, the purpose of Baitul Arqam is to develop the potential of students as complete Muslims, by having an integrative understanding and insight into Islamic teachings based on the Qur'an and Al-Sunnah, changing the attitude and behavior of students in accordance with Islamic teachings understood by the Muhammadiyah organization, the realization of student awareness and independence in carrying out Islamic Da'wah Amar makruf nahi munkar. It is expected that from Baitul Arqam Purna Studi, students can have the character of Islamic values and can synergize and collaborate with Muhammadiyah according to their respective fields such as education and health.

The implementation of Baitul Arqam Purna Studi is held a day every month. This semester Baitul Arqam will be held twice, namely Tuesday, May 17, and Monday, May 23, 2022. During the pandemic, Baitul Arqam Purna Studi was carried out online and free of charge. Material Baitul Arqam after study for Muslim students includes worship (prayer, taharah), kemuhammadiyahan, morality, and strengthening the character of UMS scholars. For non-Muslim students continue to follow Baitul Arqam after study on moral islamology, and kemuhammadiyahan, strengthening the character of UMS scholars.

Baitul Arqam Purna Studi is different from Baitul Arqam freshmen because it is different from Baitul Arqam freshmen held for 3 consecutive days, Baitul Arqam Purna Studi is only done for half a day with the first session starting from 05.00 am until the last material is 12.00 pm. Participants of Baitul Arqam Purna Studi at least semester VI will get a certificate to register for graduation, until now the registration has been 1400 students. If the past 6 months are not used to register for graduation, then the participation is considered expired so that for the next graduation list must follow again Baitul Arqam Purna Studi.

Writer: Safira Amelia Maharani (Accounting' 21) & Fadhilla Mutiara (Physiotherapy' 21)

Editor : Thifa Nabilla Jazaufi (Pharmacy'19)

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