Source: Naufal Akiela Darmakusala (Accountancy'21)
Transformation invariably permeates and surges in every blood human. The 'that' underlies the birth of a new ideology by changing the concept of life based on the mindset and behavior in living life. Correlation between human and transformation is absolute. We—almost impossible—change our mindset to suit the circumstances. Even though it says it's almost impossible, that doesn't mean there isn't a chance to change the situation. However, transformation doesn't always have a bad impact, transformation also has a positive side.
Humans are indirectly—demanded—to change the situation. Globalization that continues to undermine the integrity. Cultural elemental that constantly approaches humans just impressions that don't even reach 1 minute—you could say—1 minute that changes our mindset in following up on an occurrence. The attended of this habit could be a disaster 10 years later. It's unexpected, terrible 1 minute, isn't it?
Cultural lag? What is it? that's a strange thing, isn't it? okay, let's go deeper. Cultural lag or in Bahasa is a cultural gap. In sociology, an unbalanced state or inequality in people's lives isn't always as fast as a whole. Hmm it's quite complex. So, cultural lag is the entry of a new culture but it can't be evenly distributed because there isn't correlation and acculturation. So, what is the connection between cultural lag and national integration? When the transformation is just focused on one side, it will cause social jealousy as well as a cultural uproar. Well, now we know the dangerous of cultural lag if we don't sort out what we receive first.
Okay, to find out how much they know about cultural lag, we'll interview some visitors in Solo Japan Matsuri which took place at Tirtonadi Convention Hall. This event was held on August 20-21. As usual, this event has the same concept and character as before but with a bigger space.
Source: Naufal Akiela Darmakusala (Accountancy'21)
Yudi is one of Muhammadiyah Surakarta of University's college. He's from the Economy and Business Faculty and Accounting Major. Yudi explores his knowledge of Japan through anime and games, then constantly to be a pleasure in itself. Yudi feels that what he applies isn't completely wrong. The past let it go, just take the positive side. He advised us to balance our obligations as Indonesian people with hobbies and don't diminish our culture and mother language.
Source: Naufal Akiela Darmakusala (Accountancy'21)
Then, Gelar. He's a Video Maker Anime's leader. He says that anime is related to his life. He says the Internet was trigger this trend. He added that Acculturation is needed and still reflects a sense of nationalism in carrying out activities. Gelar gives respect and appreciation to the development of this trend from characteristics, attributes, and personality.
Source: Naufal Akiela Darmakusala (Accountancy'21)
Last, she is Jihan. Jihan with her friends attend this event to looking some entertain. she was influenced of Japan by a manga or comic which name is Detective Conan. Jihan and her friend love Japan because of the culture from the Land of Sakura and their dream of Japan. They realized to balance their hobbies and obligations. Jihan admitted that she and her friend also attend Indonesia Theatre in Balekambang every week.
The message we can take is to stay proud of our respective cultures. Don't forget our culture, passion, and identity as Indonesian people. Sort out and filter what we look. BE YOURSELF, DON'T IMITATE SOMEONE.
Writer: Naufal Akiela Darmakusala (Accountancy'21)
Reporter: Naufal Akiela Darmakusala (Accountancy'21)
Editor: Thifa Nabilla Jazaufi (Pharmacy'19)