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The 2nd Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM 2), golden change for students to seek knowledge

Source: Kemendikbud Ristek

There is good news for college students. The Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture will open the 2022 Student Exchange Program (PMM 2) in June.

The 2nd Independent Student Exchange Program held in 2022 (PMM 2) is a one-semester domestic student exchange program from island to island to provide diverse experiences through participation in Nusantara modules, courses, and related activities to earn credit recognition. Up to 20 credits.

The purpose of the PMM 2 Program is to improve the ability of universities to manage student exchange programs. The PMM 2 program is expected to be able to provide opportunities for students to renew and strengthen their perspective to appreciate and celebrate Indonesian diversity as an effort to unite the nation and state. In addition, students can also broaden and deepen their knowledge.

PMM 2 also has a new characteristic in creating a dynamic meeting room between students, lecturers, and universities through academic and non-academic activities about the cultural diversity of the local area. PMM 2 will give students the freedom to choose courses at different universities in different locations, outside of their place of residence and their original campus domicile.

The Independent Student Exchange will start registration on June 1-25, 2022 for 20,000 students.

If you are interested in this program, the following are the student requirements to join the PMM 2 Program:

  • an active student, registered in the Higher Education Database (PDDikti) and currently taking semester III or more;

  • have never participated in PMM 1 and/or are not actively participating in other Kampus Merdeka programs;

  • have never been subject to academic or non-academic sanctions;

  • have a license from PT Sender;

  • obtain parental/guardian permission to participate in PMM 2;

  • have a minimum GPA of 2.75 on receipt of PMM 2;

  • have an Identity Card (KTP);

  • have an active account at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) or Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in the name of the student concerned;

  • preferred to have health insurance in the form of an active BPJS Health or KIS;

  • received at least two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine;

  • willing to comply with all PMM 2 rules and willing to accept the consequences of violating PMM 2 rules.

To be able to join this program, students can register through the Kampus Merdeka website. As for more information, you can see on Instagram PMM @pertukaranmahasiswamerdeka

Writer : Nurul Widya Tanaya (English Education'21)

Editor : Salma Devy Andini (Communication Science'21)

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